Government Considering Capitulating to Manitoba Metis Federations Demands

The Manitoba Wildlife Federation is outraged to learn that the MB. Government has instructed Conservation Officers to not enforce the law and is now considering expanding Métis harvest zones without consulting with First Nations or the 350,000 anglers and hunters in Manitoba that share in the protection and sustainability of our wildlife resources. MWF wrote the following letter to the province on July 23.  Please also see the attachments that can be read by following the links at the end of the letter.

Dear Honourable Minister Jamie Moses, 

The Manitoba Wildlife Federation (MWF) has recently learned that the province is considering capitulating to the Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF)’s demands for a significant expansion to the Métis Natural Resource Harvesting Zone (MNRHZ). We understand that the province is considering expanding the MNRHZ by including Game Hunting Areas, 26, 17,17A,5,7 and 7a (map attached). We have also learned that your Deputy Minister in late June instructed Conservation Officers to stop enforcement actions in the expanded area (Canadian Press article below). The MMF is also asserting in the attached open letter to Metis Harvesters that the MNRHZ includes all the Prairie provinces, parts of the Northwest Territories, Ontario, and the United States.

Among other things, the MMF proposes to grant Metis residents living anywhere within this vast area the right to hunt in Manitoba without regard to provincial angling and hunting laws, including harvest limits established for conservation purposes. Minister, you are responsible for the welfare of our fish and wildlife populations. The primary means of ensuring healthy populations is managing harvest. Acquiescing to a massive expansion of unregulated harvest and directing enforcement personnel to look away would represent a reckless and unprecedented abdication of your responsibilities. We have long expressed our concern with respect to the lack of provincial regulation of the existing MNRHZ, which encompasses most of the southern third of Manitoba. As a recent example, the MMF has unilaterally declared a moose hunt within areas closed to moose harvest for conservation reasons. Before any expansion of the existing MNRHZ is contemplated, the MWF urges the province to enforce existing laws and urgently engage with all Manitobans in the development of a collaborative framework that will ensure the harvest of our province’s game and fish is practiced in a safe and sustainable manner by both indigenous and licensed hunters. The protection of our Natural Resources for future generations of Manitobans should be the first priority for all involved.

Carly Deacon
Managing Director
Manitoba Wildlife Federation

The Honourable Premier Wab Kinew,
Grand Chief Garrison Settee, Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Inc.
Grand Chief Jerry Daniels, Southern Chiefs Organization
Chief E.J Fontaine, Sagkeeng First Nation
Chief Vera Mitchell, Poplar River First Nation
Chief Heide Cook, Misipawistik Cree Nation
Chief Larry Barker, Hollow Water First Nation
Chief Sheldon Kent, Black River First Nation,
Chief Hartley Everette, Berens River First Nation
Chief Roland Hamilton, Bloodvein First Nation
Chief Gordon Bluesky, Brokenhead Ojibway Nation
Chief Angela Levasseur, Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation
Chief Shirley Ducharme, O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation
Chief Douglas Hart, Marcel Colomb First Nation
Chief Gordon Bear, Mathias Colomb First Nation
Chief Roddy Owens, Pauingassi First Nation
Chief Oliver Owen, Little Grand Rapids First Nation

CANADIAN PRESS ARTICLE: Manitoba Métis Federation president says he wasn’t breaking the law after ticket for fishing without licence
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