Heads up Caribou hunters! Caribou license sales will only be available for purchase through the new electronic licensing system. Sale will still be on a first-come, first-served basis beginning June 4, 2020 at 8:30 am. There are three ways you can purchase your caribou license through the E-licensing system:
- Online through a computer (e.g. at home, mobile phone, tablet, etc.) at www.manitobaelicensing.ca. You must pay by credit card.
- Vendors – participating retailers and government offices. NOTE: The vendors/retailers use program software to make the Caribou license purchase, so the system will count down the sales as they happen. Make sure your local vendor is included on the government vendor list (see link below) or call your local vendor before June 4 to ensure they can sell you a license. Also keep in mind that most vendors do not open until after 9am.
- Call Centre – 1-877-880-1203 – Open: 8 am to 9 pm, 7 days per week for those individuals who do not have access to a computer.
To speed up the purchasing process on June 4th (licenses are sold on a first-come first-serve basis) we encourage you to go into the E-licensing system and set up a profile prior to June 4. To ensure your success purchasing a Caribou license, follow this government link for more information on what you will need to do prior to June 4.