Our advocacy work is reaping huge rewards under Bill-29 as conservation officers continue with a renewed focus on protecting the safety of Manitobans and protecting our big game species. Below is a summary of their efforts since the ban on night hunting took effect on October 10, 2020.
• charged or issued appearance notices to 13 individuals (27 charges);
• issued warnings for night hunting without a permit or hunting in a moose closure to nine individuals.
• seized two vehicles.
• seized three firearms
• issued restitution orders totaling $5,000.
To see the full press release and read about a recently executed search warrant follow this link provided https://news.gov.mb.ca/news/index.html?item=49449&posted=2020-10-21
MWF is thrilled with recent enforcement efforts around night lighting charges, warnings and the equipment seized. We would like to keep strengthening this case and document how incredibly unsafe this practice is in many areas of Manitoba, as a proactive approach in the case this goes to court. Help us keep night hunting illegal, by providing MWF with any negative incidents, stories and/or pictures around night lighting activities. Please direct your stories and photos via email to MWF staff member Dennis Schindler at Dschindler@mwf.mb.ca.