On December 6, 2019 the MWF issued a press release urging the government to reconsider their current approach to gun control. The MWF is asking its members to contact their Member of Parliament to speak against unfairly targeting law abiding firearms owners, and instead use an evidence based approach to firearms laws including addressing the key issues causing violent crime in Canada.
From the press release:
December 6, 2019
Winnipeg, MB: The Federal Government has renewed its promise to strengthen gun control by allowing municipalities and communities to ban handguns as well as promising to ban “military style” firearms and implement a firearms buyback program.
This mandate has sparked debate amongst communities throughout Canada. Leaders are taking positions on firearms while ignoring the root causes of violent crime in Canada, instead taking aim at law abiding Canadians. Not only is this approach distracting from taking real action but it also creates a false sense of security through a plan that has very little potential in reducing violent crime.
“The MWF is calling for Government at all levels to reconsider further firearms bans and unfairly targeting law-abiding Canadians” says MWF President Brian Strauman. “Pledging millions for a buyback program will do nothing to address violent crime. Instead, that money should be used to support police initiatives, target social issues and address the root causes of crime. Stronger penalties for straw purchases and illegal firearms imports should be another main area of focus.”
These current firearms proposals do nothing to reduce violent crime and everything to attack law abiding firearms owners.
“The MWF has been very clear in its opposition of firearms bans, and urges the Government of Canada to reconsider their current mandate that unfairly attacks law abiding firearms owners.” Added Strauman. “The MWF asks its members to contact their Member of Parliament and make their voices heard. No Government should ignore the voice of the people”
“The MWF is committed to the safe use of firearms and firearms education and believes there are better, evidence-based solutions to address the issue of violent crime in Canada. Changing the conversation to find a real and productive solution to crime that doesn’t waste tax dollars or target law abiding citizens needs to happen, and it’s not too late to do so.”