Since Valeries Geist (Professor Emeritus, University of Calgary), David Clausen, (Former Chair, Wisconsin Natural Resources Board), Vince Crichton, (Former Co-Chair, Canada’s National Wildlife Disease Strategy) and Darrel Rowledge, (Director, Alliance for Public Wildlife) authored a comprehensive analysis on Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) which brought to light the dire situation Manitoba and other Provinces are faced with, there has been an update:
“Shortly after the release of The Challenge of CWD: Insidious and Dire, key findings in several areas of CWD research alerted prion scientists and authorities around the world to the urgency of the current situation. Careful scrutiny, repetition, and thorough interdisciplinary analyses are needed—but the implications are profound.”
– Darrel Rowledge (Director, Alliance for Public Wildlife) and Paul Sockett ((fmr) Director, Foodborne, Waterborne, and Zoonotic Infections Division, Public Health Agency of Canada)
New research points to the potential health risk to humans. Combine this with population-wide impacts on cervids, and consequences for the international trade of Canadian agriculture and agro-foods, and the consequences could be catastrophic.