Apprentice Hunter Education Card

Exciting News! 10 and 11 year olds can hunt game birds.

Sustainable Development has amended the Hunter Education Regulation to provide youth under the age of 12 to receive an Apprentice Hunter Education Certificate (AHEC) after successfully completing the Manitoba Hunter Education Program.

Upon successful completion of the Hunter Education class, resident Manitobans who are 10 and 11 years old will be mailed an Apprentice Hunter Card which will allow them to hunt game birds and wild turkeys under a shared bag provision.

On the apprentice hunter’s 12th birthday they will be mailed the standard Hunter Education card at no additional cost.

The General Hunting Regulation has been amended to allow for resident youth age 10 and 11 to hunt game birds and wild turkeys under a shared bag provision;

A resident of Manitoba who is 10 years of age or older and under 18 years of age does not require a licence to hunt game birds or wild turkey, but can hunt under a shared bag provision provided;

  • The youth carries and can produce proof of age and a valid hunter education certificate or apprentice hunter education certificate or an equivalent certificate from another province, territory or country.
  • The youth is accompanied by a person who is 18 years of age or older who possesses a valid licence for the species being hunted, and at all times when hunting, be in the immediate physical vicinity of the youth.
  • The adult must include any game taken by the youth as part of his or her bag limit and possession limit.

Note: if the youth wishes to hunt Migratory Game Birds they must purchase a Canadian Migratory Game Bird Hunting Permit and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Stamp.
(204) 633-5967 / (877) 633-4868
4-999 King Edward Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0R1