(204) 633-5967 / (877) 633-4868
4-999 King Edward Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0R1
In conjunction with the MWF, Tandy Leather Factory of Canada and your instructor Shawn Orne of the Witherstone Leather Forge company, we invite Archery enthusiasts to learn or advance their skills in leather working by creating your own hand-made round “barrel style” arrow quiver!
This Archery Leather Quiver Class, (part of a series of leather instructional educational classes being offered over this coming fall and winter season) will be taking place this October 17th & 18th. As seats will be limited to a maximum of ten students, a second opportunity for students unable to attend during the October dates will be held again on the dates of November 1st & 2nd 2023.
Each four-hour session (a total of 8 instructional hours separated over the two-day period) includes all materials, the use in studio of all required tools and direct instruction with qualified instructor to complete your individual project.
Each session will take place at the Winnipeg Tandy Leather Factory location, located at 30 Mandalay Drive from 5 pm until approximately 9 pm each evening over the two days.
The cost of $120.00 per student is due at the time of enrollment and is payable at the MWF. Deadline for the October 17th & 18th session enrollment is October 10th, 2023.
As this is an educational session which does face some time constraints for available class time use, this project for these courses have been designed to be completed within the allotted eight-hour duration by having three basic options of colour combinations offered as well as four choices of design detailing available for selection by each individual student.
These classes are geared towards adult or mature students so we do ask that no children attend this event as participants will be following along with direct instruction by the instructor – completing each task / step in real time as the instructor demonstrates the build throughout the entirety of the process towards completion of the project.
At time of enrollment, students will be asked to choose their colour package which includes leather dye colour’s as well as hardware colour and design choice which are as follows:
Shown here are the three colour selections which students can choose from. Any colour package can be placed on any of the detail packages.
The three colour packages are:
The Tourney: (shown on left in example photo)-Features opaque black main body colour with grey / metallic silver highlight leather dye. Bright nickel / chrome hardware finish.
Selection reference CA to choose this colour package.
The North Timberland: (shown in center)- features a pine / woody tan main body colour with a solid forest green highlight dye. Antique Brass hardware finish.
Selection reference NT to choose this colour package.
The Autumn Wood: (shown on right in example photo) – Features a reddish Mahogony main body colour with warm fall orange and yellow hues for highlight dye. Antique Copper hardware finish.
Selection AW to choose this colour package.
The Autumn Wood Design
Simplified: Suggested for those who are first time leather crafters, Features top & center “narrow band” with bottom leaf detail band as seen in the Tourney photo example.
Selection reference AWS to choose this design package.
Full Detailing: For those up for a slightly more challenging project, Features center “narrow band” with full leaf detail band both top & bottom (as seen here in photo).
Selection reference AWFD to choose this design package.
The Tourney Design
Simplified: (As seen in photo) ideal for first or new leather crafters, the simplified Tourney design features both the top & center “narrow band” with a single detail banding at the base of the quiver.
Selection reference TS to choose this design package.
Full Detailing: More challenging, the full detail package adds the relief detail band to both top and base of the quiver with the “narrow band” remaining in the center as seen in either the North Timberland photo or Autmn Wood example.
Selection reference TF to choose this design package.
The North Timberland
Simplified: Ideal for first or new leather crafters, the simplified North Timberland design features both the center “narrow band” with a single detail banding at the base of the quiver as seen in the Tourney photo example.
Selection reference NTS to choose this design package.
Full Detailing: For those up for a slightly more challenging project, Features center “narrow band” with full detail band both top & bottom (as seen here in photo).
Selection reference NTFD to choose this design package.