Established in 1944, and with nearly 15,000 members in 100 affiliate clubs throughout Manitoba the MWF is the provinces oldest and largest conservation organization representing the interests of Manitoba’s hunters, anglers, trappers and sport shooters.
Our Mission:
- To promote conservation, angling, hunting, trapping, shooting sports and outdoor-oriented activities.
- To encourage membership within the Federation of those Manitobans that profess an interest in outdoor activities, including the protection of fish and wildlife habitat and resources.
- To promote conservation among its members and to protect the natural resources of the Province of Manitoba; its soils, minerals, forests, water and wildlife.
- To promote, encourage and support the propagation of game, fish species and their natural habitat.
- To assist and encourage the enforcement of game laws, which are in keeping with the aims and objectives of the Federation and to strive for enhanced laws and programs when considered necessary.
- To work cooperatively with government and like-minded groups towards common goals for the greater good of the greater number.
- To educate members and the general population of our province about conservation, habitat and resources as well as outdoor and hunting safety.
- To promote and practice ethical behaviour at all times.
- To keep members apprised of Federation-related news through the publication of its official magazine, Outdoor Canada West.
- To communicate openly and honestly with members in an environment of trust and understanding.
- To support the objectives of the MWF Habitat Foundation.
- To protect and enhance the privileges of its members in the wise and ethical use of our resources
Board and Staff
Executive Committee:
Brian Brownlie – President
Pam Robins – Vice President
Lewis Allen – Director
Lee Robins – Director
Andrew Boumford – Director
Paul Dittberner – Director
Craig Cameron – Director
Chris Chipman – Director
Ian Scarth – Director
Chris Heald — Senior Policy Advisor
Carly Deacon — Managing Director
Lynda McKerchar, Office Manager
Nolan Sawatzky — Manager of Conservation Stewardship
Chris Benson — Program and Events Coordinator
Trent Thomson — Manager of Membership Services
Josh Nenka — Admin/Membership Assistant
Chase Dreilich — Recreational Angling Coordinator
Dawn Scarfe — Membership and Events Coordinator