(204) 633-5967 / (877) 633-4868
4-999 King Edward Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0R1
On Oct 6th at 7:00pm join Jim Fisher with Delta Waterfowl as he teams up with the Manitoba Wildlife Federation to deliver a virtual seminar on hunting diving ducks in Manitoba. From Scaup, to Ringnecks, Redheads, Goldeneye and even the king of ducks, the stately Canvasback, Jim will pass on everything you need to know to go after these speedsters who frequent Manitoba’s many lakes and marshes. Species Identification, decoy spread, calling, hunting tips and tactics as well as locations hunters can go to be successful will be covered in this informative seminar. If the sight of a squadron of Bluebills careening over a white-capped lake on a late season blustery October morning is enough to give you nerve-racking excitement and afflicted you with a case of shortness of breath, you don’t want to miss this one!
This virtual seminar is proudly sponsored by Cabela’s Canada Outdoor Fund, next time you visit a Cabela’s store please consider ‘rounding up to support this initiative!