(204) 633-5967 / (877) 633-4868
4-999 King Edward Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0R1
Due to the circumstances around Covid-19 and unpredictable restrictions, we are airing on the side of caution again this year and delivering our AGM virtually on May 1, 2021 via Zoom. We understand that the virtual setting is challenging and certainly not as personable. However, MWF believes our AGMs (in any format) are important, as it is an opportunity to present an overview on the 2020 year and our plans going forward. It is also an opportunity to connect with our affiliates to discuss local and provincial fish and wildlife issues and prioritize our direction as a unified voice.
MWF will do our best to make this meeting beneficial for everyone and provide you with valuable information in a timely matter, but we need your participation to make this meeting effective. 2021 brings transition and change to the Federation, in our operations, new Executive Committee Members, new strategic plans, new proposed wildlife regulations, and of course changes to adapt and survive another year of potential Covid-19 restrictions. Affiliates are the foundation of this Federation, your voice and participation in these discussions are more important than ever. We encourage all our members to participate in this AGM by registering below.
A more detailed AGM registration package with meeting materials, meeting agenda, voting information and voting delegate numbers will be distributed to each registrant closer to the date. All AGM attendees must have a valid 2021 membership. For more information please contact the MWF office at 204-633-5967.
Additional AGM information including Resolution/Change to the Constitution, EC Nomination and Award Nomination submission forms can be found here: 2021 AGM AFFILATE PACKAGE.